AISTech 2023 - A great conference has come to an end - what a show! With 7002 attendees, AISTech2023 was once again a great opportunity for Badische to dive deep into technical discussions about our latest developments and experiences. Thanks to AIST - Association for Iron & Steel Technology and all attendees for this great event.
Our personal highlights for Badische Stahl-Engineering? Of course, the commendation for our active commitment to technological progress in the steel industry of the future:
First, receiving the prestigious Hunt-Kelly Outstanding Paper Award (AIME), held by Fatih Goekce and Patrick Hansert and futhermore the awarding of the Charles H. Herty Jr. Award to Dr. Felix Firsbach.
And last but not least, the great presentation held by our manipulator specialist Tim Steurer on our latest innovations in safety tools for high productivity EAF operations.