Green Steel Transformation

Green Steel Transformation
Green Steel Transformation

The global steel industry is moving from the BF-BOF route to hydrogen-based direct reduction and electric steelmaking to reduce CO2 emissions and serve the growing demand for green steel.

Badische evaluates operational and metallurgical differences between BOF & EAF and challenges when switching to EAF.


The experts from BSE will support you to transition from the BOF to EAF route. By asking also the right questions:

  • What does it mean to operate an EAF 24/7?
  • What are realistic figures of continuous operation for the existing high-quality steel grades including raw materials?
  • How can such a process be implemented into an existing steel plant or melt shop building?
  • What are the requirements for the EAF and logistics?



  • BSE has supported many inegrated plants in the field of logistics for more than 30 years
  • Badische has already modernized many Electric Arc furnaces in the past
  • With the gain know how in combination with operating an EAF plant, BSE will be the perfect partner for such a project
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