Smart Leakage Detection

Smart Leakage Detection (SLD)
Smart Leakage Detection

The BSE Smart Leakage Detector (SLD) provides reliable, accurate and easy detection of all water leakages at the EAF (upper shell and / or roof).

Water leakage detection is an important safety topic, because cooling water infiltration in the EAF can cause a catastrophic explosion. 


  • The BSE Smart Leakage Detector is able to detect small water leakages (at Badische Stahlwerke down to 1,5 m³/h, 25 l/min) on a consistent basis and without maintenance
  • Measuring the cooling water in- and outlet line of the EAF shell and/or roof
  • Online analysis algorithm permanently controlling the cooling system
  • In case of a detected leakage sending of a signal to the furnace PLC and generating an alarm to the operator
  • Different alarms for various predefined leakage size
  • Database and trending tool for delay analysis and prevention
Smart Leakage Detection


  • Early warning for operator
  • No false alarms
  • Reliable detection of small but dangerous water leakages
  • Prevention of catastrophic explosion
  • Integration into HMI system
  • Increased safety and reduced risk of equipment damage


  • Operating at BSW since 2017
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